Family STEM Nights

Family STEM Nights are a fun and educational evening for the entire family. The events promote parent and family engagement in the learning experience of their children. Families experience the wonder of science and solve a variety of STEM challenges.

Sierra Nevada Journeys Selected for NASA Grant to Elevate STEM Education

We were thrilled to announce our selection for a prestigious federal award with NASA to amplify STEM education initiatives. The funding empowered Sierra Nevada Journeys to integrate NASA-inspired activities and lessons into our Family STEM Nights, which increased educational opportunities for underserved students within the Washoe County School District.

We meticulously curated and piloted NASA-aligned activities, leveraging their proven program delivery model. The curricula were specifically created for Washoe County School District based on their academic needs. Also, we incorporated NASA-themed design challenges and exploration stations that harness the thrill of space exploration.

Sierra Nevada Journeys’ Family STEM Nights have proven to be instrumental in creating immersive learning experiences and uniting students, educators, and families in pursuing STEM knowledge. The infusion of NASA content into these events unlocked new realms of learning, enabling students to delve into the marvels of space exploration, engineering, and discovery.

Audrey Bergmann, Advancement Manager, Sierra Nevada Journeys

“This grant provided a unique opportunity for Sierra Nevada Journeys to expand our Family STEM Night offerings while connecting with other leading STEM education institutions across the country.”